9822794505 / 7798636577


International Knowledge Hours Millennium Olympiads (IKMO) gives vast exposure to the students at State, National &International levels. Students from any stream from Std. 1st to 10th are eligible to participate in IKMO Olympiad.The exam is conducted Online / Offline for 3 subjects, General Knowledge (GK), Science and Mathematics.

For online examination Individuals can enroll their name through website, while offline examination students can enroll their names through their respective schools only. To get the registration forms - Principals, Teacher coordinators can contact our Head Office for the details.

Why IKMO Olympiad is unique?

The IKMO Olympiad is set according to the new education system announced by Indian Government. The syllabus is set as per the Indian standard to get wide exposure to the students at State, National and International levels. Many basic concepts will get cleared through this examination pattern. The pattern is MCQ type and which is most effective to improve their analytical and logical skills.

IKMO Olympiad helps to identify a child's capability and real potential that may help him survive better in today's modern competitive world. The exam motivate students to endeavor for better and deeper understanding of scientific facts so as to enhance their reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills.

Parents don’t be late for enrolling your ward. First you enquire about IKMO Olympiad in your school. If your school doesn’t have the facility to appear then register free through our website, login with the details, Select the subjects and its level, click on buy button to register your child successfully to get your online practice material and appear for the exam on the given date for the final examination.